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Obec Halič

Obec Halič

Brief history

Halič, the former privilaged little town, the historical region NOVOHRAD, district LUČENEC.

The first written mention about the community is from 1299 under the title HOLUCH. The castle was built on the hill above the community in the 14th century on the older basements. It was pulled down in times of war. It was rebuilt by the family of Forgach in 1612, and it was given a Baroque character as a castle in 1762. The little town Halič under the castle is divided from the Stará Halič by the Tuhár brook.

The first manufacture for cloth was established in Halič as the first one in Slovakia in 1767 /the first steam engine introduced in 1832/. There was a salt storage - place, a castle, a mill, a sugar-mill and a postal-station in this little town. Pottery had big traditions there. The Roman Catholic Church was built in 1835, the chapel in 1843 and the synagogue is interesting as well.


Municipality of Halič is autonomous, territorial, self-governing and administrative entity of Slovak republic. The competencies are performed in accordance with the Municipal establishment law nr. 369/1990. 
Building office for Municipality of Halič is at Municipal office in Halič (+42147 4392356)
Registry office is at Municipal office in Halič (+42147 4392356)

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